Meir$95564$ - определение. Что такое Meir$95564$
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Что (кто) такое Meir$95564$ - определение

R. Meïr; Rabbi Meïr; R. Meir; Meir the Tanna; Meïr; Tanna Meïr; Meir Ba'al ah-Nes
  • The Tomb of "Meir", view from the seashore of the Sea of Galilee

Meir ben Samuel         
Meir ben Shmuel; Meïr ben Samuel; Meïr b. Samuel
Meir ben Samuel (), also known by the Hebrew acronym RaM for Rabbi Meir, was a French rabbi and tosafist, who was born in about 1060 in Ramerupt, and died after 1135. His father was an eminent scholar.
Meir Friedmann         
  • Meir Friedmann
Meïr ben Jeremiah Friedmann; Isch Shalom; Meïr ben Jeremiah Ish Shalom; Meïr ben Jeremiah Isch Schalom; Meyer Friedmann; Isch Schalom; Meïr Friedmann; M. Friedmann; Meir Ish Shalom Friedmann; Meir Ish-Shalom Friedmann; Meir Ish Shalom Friedman; Meir Ish-Shalom Friedman; Meir Friedman; Meir ben Jeremiah Isch Schalom; Meir ben Jeremiah Friedmann; Meir ben Jeremiah Ish Shalom; Ish Shalom
Meir (Ish Shalom) Friedmann (10 July 1831 in Kraszna (), district of Kashau (Košice Region), Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire – 1908 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary) was an Austrian-Hungarian Jewish scholar. His editions of the Midrash are the standard texts.
Meir Auerbach         
Meir Aurbach
Rabbi Meir Auerbach (1815–1878) was president of the Jewish court at Koło, and author of Imrei Bina (Words of Wisdom). After his immigration to Ottoman Palestine in 1859, he headed the Poland Kollel and became the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem.


Rabbi Meir

Rabbi Meir (Hebrew: רַבִּי מֵאִיר) was a Jewish sage who lived in the time of the Mishnah. He was one of the Tannaim of the fourth generation (139-163). He is the third most frequently mentioned sage in the Mishnah and is mentioned over 3,000 times in the Babylonian Talmud. His wife Bruriah is one of the few women cited in the Gemara.